polka dots

About Us


Danny and Jamie

Then & Now

Danny and I met in college at Utah State University.  We got married on December 28, 2004.  We just celebrated our 10th anniversary last December!  We love the outdoors.  We love going boating, hiking, playing sports and taking our dog on walks with our girls.  We also love playing games and, at times, can be a little competitive.  When we bought a new house, I made sure we had a big enough basement to put a ping-pong table in it.  I even made a cute scoreboard to keep track of mine and Danny's wins .  Our board is still empty because I won't start keeping score until I win, and I just can't seem to pull it off!  :)  Danny graduated from the University of Utah with a Doctorate of Physical Therapy degree.  He is currently working as a Physical Therapist at Canyon Sports Therapy where he loves what he does!  I graduated from Utah State University with my Bachelor's degree in Elementary Education.  I taught elementary school for 5 years before we had kids and I got my new job of being a mom!  Danny is currently serving in the Young Men's program in our church.  He loves his calling and really enjoys working with the youth.  I am currently in the Primary which is pretty awesome too.  My favorite part is listening to all of the children sing the primary songs!  (Especially my girls!)  We love being parents!  Our girls have definitely been the highlight of our marriage and we can't wait to add another child to our family.  Hailey and Mckenzie pray for a baby almost every night in their prayers.  I think they are a little confused about their roles because the other night Hailey prayed that "we need a baby" and that we will all be good parents!


Hailey is all girl!  Her favorite color is pink.  She loves wearing fancy dresses and shoes, painting her nails, and doing everyone's hair (especially grandma's).  She is very observant and gives lots of compliments.  She is always saying "Ooh mom, I like your pretty shirt!"  She is very stubborn and independent and loves to push the boundaries!  She is also extremely tender-hearted and all she ever needs is a good hug to make everything better. :) She loves cats, riding her bike, and chicken nuggets!  She also loves to sing.  She has memorized my whole Disney CD and loves to sing all of the songs.  She also loves to sing the church primary songs and can be heard above everyone else in Primary. :)  She has the cutest smile that can light up the room and pretty much gets her out of any trouble she may be in! 



Mckenzie's favorite color is green.  She is totally in love with her Grandpa and she calls her dad "Prince Charming".  She also loves horses, Mickey Mouse and Cinderella.  She also loves to color!  She likes to eat almost anything but she especially loves fruit, smoothies and anything with sugar in it!  She has the cutest accent when she says things like the swim "poo"  or is that "coo"?  She is the peacemaker in our home and loves taking care of her sister, her dog, and her stuffed animals!  She is almost always happy, but when she does throw a tantrum... watch out!  She is a great helper and is always ready for our next adventure!


Don't forget Dot...

The girls love their dog and she loves them.  Dot likes to go on walks, play outside with us and even join us in the girls bedroom for storytime most nights! 

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