polka dots

Friday, May 15, 2015

Date Night!

Every once in a while it is pretty obvious that the Hailey and Mckenzie need a break from each other!  Last year, we started doing date nights to help us have some one-on-one time with each of the girls.  It has been a lot of fun!  Last week on our date night I got to spend some time with Mckenzie.  She chose to go to Gardner Village and ride a horse.  (Surprise!)  We got there a little late and they were closing, but the guy was really nice and still let us go for a ride.  He also let Mckenzie help feed some of the baby animals since they were closing up for the night.  She was in heaven.  Grandma was out of town, so we invited Grandpa to come along with us too.  Mckenzie always likes a little special time with her grandpa. 

Danny got to spend time with Hailey this time.  She chose to go to Trafalga and ride the roller coaster!  Of course the roller coaster was closed, but they had lots of fun on the other rides.  Her favorite part was going down the slide over and over again!